havale etmek

  1. Verb to delegate
  2. Verb to devolve
  3. Verb to entrust
  4. Verb to hand over
  5. Verb to turn over
  6. Verb to relegate
  7. Verb to transmit onward
  8. Verb to transfer
  9. Verb to remit
  10. Verb to assign
  11. Verb to refer
to devolve work on a subordinate Verb
to devolve work on a subordinate Verb
to remit the balance Verb
to render the price of a purchase Verb
to refer a dispute to the United Nations Verb, Organizations
to submit a difference to the arbitrator Verb
to bring a dispute before the court Verb
to give a case to the superior court Verb
to refer a case Verb
to refer a matter to the court (s) Verb
to refer a dispute to arbitration Verb
to refer a dispute to arbitration
to relegate a matter to sb Verb
to refer a matter to sb Verb
to submit a question to the court Verb
to refer to a commmittee Verb
to commit to sb's care Verb
to entrust the care of something to sb Verb
to refer a question to sb's decision Verb
to refer a question to a committee Verb
to submit a question to the court Verb
to lay a matter before the court Verb
to lay the matter before the court Verb
to refer a request to sb Verb
to refer a bill to a committee Verb
to refer a dispute to arbitration Verb
to put someone in cash Verb
to entrust someone with the sale Verb
to refer someone to someone Verb
to pay to the order of sb Verb
to remit $ 1000 for sb's account Verb
to give a case to the superior court Verb
to assign a case Verb
to conclude to the country Verb
to refer future disputes exclusively to english arbitration Verb
to confide something to sb's care Verb
to submit to arbitration Verb
to submit to arbitration Verb
to refer to as arbitrator Verb
to refer to an arbitrator Verb
to remit the proceeds Verb
to remit money home each month Verb
to remit home every month Verb
to work assignment Verb
to refer a matter to sb's judgment Verb
to remit money Verb
to submit the case to the court Verb
to hand over one's tax affairs to sb Verb
to refer to the board Verb